[Lofi Time Radio App] Introduction

Cuu Long Hoang
3 min readDec 19, 2022


Lofi Time Radio is 24/7 for chill vibes, study, work, and lofi chill hip-hop. It the Perfect for background music, morning routines, relaxing, chill, lazy days, and weekend vibes without any ads.

After finishing THE iOS LEAD ESSENTIALS PROGRAM, I want to create an app to practice and improve my skill, so I start discovering some ideas about e-commerce, chat, or booking service apps that I have experience with. The first thing that appears in my mind is the e-commerce app because I have the most experience with it. After two days to find the API for my app, I found nothing without Back4App or Firebase (give me your idea in the comment 🫣) that I have to define the data structure of the API. I gave up and changed to a new kind of app with me, the “Music” app, and the next challenge was also about API. Then I found some Music APIs as:

  • Spotify
  • Deezer
  • Epidemic Sound
  • Youtube API

I have some specific problems for each API. I need time to create my server with Back-end languages such as go, node, PHP v.v… (I will try to make my server in the future and create a new story about it later. 🫥)

About the Youtube API, my friend published his app on the App Store, and his app was reported because of the license issue in my country.

For Deezer, when creating an application, they required me to input a form with some fields like domain, redirect URL, and link of Terms of use which I didn’t have at that time

And about Epidemic Sound, they also required me to input a form such as

My app in the idea part, I don’t have the MAUs, total downloaded/exported, so My form was denied from Epidemic Sound (If you have the way to request the API access, please share with me.) => my idea hits a dead end again 🥲.

I decided to find some app ideas in the App Store, and the first keyword in my mind was “Music”

Yup!!! All app ideas still need API, and I have nothing 🫣 then I change the keyword to “Lofi” my favorite kind of music that I hear every day. “like a shower of rain on a dry field”

Pueblo Vista save my idea, I started to read his story. the “Radio” keyword started to appear in my mind and searched Google for “How to make a radio 24/7 service”, I found “AzuraCast” the free open-source for creating radio, and podcast services. It's also easy to create, just follow the AzuraCast Get Started, and then I have both service and API.

The journey has started!!! In the next post, I will write about “BDD, TDD, Use Cases, Architecture and Modular Design”.

Thank you for reading!!! See yaaaaaa



Cuu Long Hoang
Cuu Long Hoang

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