[Lofi Time Radio App] BDD, TDD, Use Cases, Architecture and Modular Design

Cuu Long Hoang
3 min readDec 20, 2022


After deciding to create a radio app that has the same feature as Pueblo Vista Lofi Radio, I start designing the story to help me have the app overview and easily catch up when I start to implement the main features of the app

Story: Listener requests to see now playing lofi track

Narrative #1

As an online listener,

I want the app to automatically load and play the now-playing track

So I can always enjoy the now-playing track with another online listener

Acceptance Criteria:

Given the listener has connectivity

When the listener requests to load now-playing

Then the app should display the now-playing track And automatically play it

Narrative #2

As an offline listener,

I want the app to show the error

So I can always know the app gets something wrong when loading.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given the listener doesn’t have connectivity

When the listener requests to load now-playing

Then the app should display the error state

Use Cases

Load Now-playing Station Use Case

Primary course (happy path):

1. Execute “Load Now-playing Station” command
2. System retrieves station data
3. System delivers Now-playing, Next-play, and listener data

Invalid data — error course (sad path):

1. System delivers invalid data error

No connectivity — error course (sad path):

1. System delivers connectivity error

Play Now-playing Track Use Case



1. Execute “Play track” command with the above data
2. System retrieves data from the URL
3. System plays audio from retrieved data

Show Now-Playing Track Use Case

1. Execute “Show Now-Playing track” command
2. System displays audio information such as name, artist

Show Audio Progress Use Case

1. Execute “Show Audio Progress” command
2. System displays audio’s current time
3. System displays audio’s duration
4. System run loop timer with invoking update current-time

Show Control State Use Case

1. Execute “Show Control State” command
2. System displays state of control button (playing, paused)

Show Total Listeners Use Case

1. Execute “Show Total Listeners” command
2. System displays the total of listeners who are listening the radio


App Architecture:

The above things are all my plan, everything was clear. My work is following all specs and converting them to code. In the next part, I will write about TDD and start to write unit-test for the first part of my app “Network module”



Cuu Long Hoang
Cuu Long Hoang

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